Saturday, February 05, 2005

Shane Clairbourne of the Simple Way

This guy is going to be at CMU in Winnipeg in March. There is one reason why i wish i was home in the winter. Don't come across one of those everyday.

I am going to Iraq to stand in the way of war. Thousands of soldiers have gone to Iraq, willing to kill people they do not know because of a political allegiance. I go willing to die for people I do not know because of a spiritual allegiance. The soldiers have incredible courage, courage enough to die for something they believe in. I pray that Christians would have that same courage.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the soldiers are willing to die because they want to help free an opressed people from tyrants and terrorists, not just there to kill because of a political allegiance. Perhaps they truly understand that liberty and freedom are a gift from God and should be defended. Perhaps they understand that the pacifists are better left at home where they won't get in the way instead of standing "in the way" and dying for no particular reason other than the fact that they don't believe in war.

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to leave my name on that last one... sorry...

Bill O'Reilly

graham old said...

I heard Shane at Greenbelt last year. Wow!

It's easy to say challenging stuff, but that guy just gets on and does it.